Romans 5:3-5

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems or trials, for we know they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disapointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love." Romans 5:3-5

Monday, 20 June 2011

We are Here!!!!!

We are here....unbelievable.  We started the admission process at 1pm and then they brought us to the ward.  Then at about 3pm one of the pead's endocrinologists came to do the work up.  Then at 5pm Dr. Winer came to see us.  I didn't expect to see her for a few days.  She asked more questions and we discussed the reasons Zach has NOT  as of yet had the appropriate genetic testing...LOL!  She is calling Genetics in Alberta tomorrow, maybe she will be more convincing then me, haha! Everyone has been gracious and kind.  Zach got to have pizza for supper and they told him he can eat as much yogurt as he wants, so he is pretty happy. 
Tomorrow at 8am he is having a CT scan of his head, neck and kidneys.  They are also starting to do continuous urine collection.  Then on Thursday he will be having several bone density tests.  On Friday they will start the PTH injections.
Thankyou, for your prayers and concern for Zach.  We love and miss you xo

1 comment:

  1. Tanis I have God bumps like crazy reading this. Tears actually, I have a lump in my throat. I know Zach is where he is supposed to be! I pray and will pray and will get more to pray that Dr. Winer will have success talking to the Stollery doctors. You continue being the greatest mom ever and tell Zach every class in school today prayed for him and his family! xox goodnight love Jacob C's mom
